School counsellor service
The school counselling service exists in Government schools for the benefit of all students and their families who need assistance with any learning, behavioural or emotional problems. School Counsellors are qualified, experienced teachers who have had additional counselling qualifications. The school counsellor also works with teachers to develop programs that will cater for the specific needs of the student. Requests for counselling assistance may come from teachers, parents, carers or students.
School-based and external therapy services
Students access therapy at Kalinda school via their NDIS plan. Therapist are able to attend the school to perform assessment and observations and explicit teaching for anything that is related to the school context.
In 2022 Kalinda School has employed a Behaviour Specialist and Occupational Therapist to support the staff by building on their knowledge and expertise around regulation.
Itinerant support services
Specialist assistance is available for students with hearing or visual impairments and also for students in their senior years in preparation for a successful transition to adult life.
Financial hardship
If your family is experiencing financial hardships and is finding it difficult to cover the cost of excursions or other activities please contact the Principal.
Personalised Learning and Support Plans (PLSPs)
Every student at Kalinda School has a Personalised Learning and Support Plan based on priorities developed by students, their families and school staff in consultation other relevant support personnel. Focus for these plans are personalised and can encompass, academic, communication, social, transition post school and health care goals.
Transition education program
At Kalinda School in the secondary school stages we offer learning from the Life Skills curriculum. Opportunities exist to integrate with local schools and businesses and there is a strong focus on developing our work force skills and transition to post school community engagment and activities.
It is our responsibility to best meet the needs of each student and to structure activities to meet those needs. To achieve this, opportunities exist for Kalinda School students to authentically participate in activities and learn alongside our neighbouring schools including during, sporting events, school productions, food preparation and cultural experiences. We aim to expand on this each year.